Saturday, May 28, 2011

Bulls Off-Season

Well, I've had a few days to forget about the Bulls' loss to the Miami Heat in the Eastern Conference Finals.  After a terrific regular season, and a wildly unpredictable and poorly played playoff run, the Bulls now look to the off-season, needing to find ways to compete with the Heat.  Clearly the Bulls and Heat are in the best position to compete for championships in the Eastern Conference, with many of the other teams having too many questions.  The Celtics are too old, and eventually some of their key players will be leaving.  The Magic aren't a threat anymore, and their best player (Dwight Howard) is likely to leave through trade or free agency.  The Knicks have 2 superstar players, but they are poorly coached, especially on the defensive end.  The Hawks are inconsistent, and really don't pose a threat to any of the top teams in the league.  Unless those teams make some improvements, the Heat and the Bulls are the best two teams in the East, with the Heat obviously having the advantage going forward.

There are many different opinions out there about what the Bulls should do in the off-season to improve their team.  I have heard many analysts say that the Bulls will bring in a more athletic starting shooting guard, somebody like Shannon Brown from the Lakers, who can score on his own and play defense.  I've also heard the name Rip Hamilton come up as a possible target for the Bulls, along with Ray Allen and Kirk Hinrich.  There are some that want the Bulls to perform some type of miracle to bring in a second superstar, like Dwight Howard.  The Bulls will have many options to play with, so let's take a look at what they might be able to do to improve their team in order to compete with the Miami Heat.

Most people believe that the Bulls need to bring in a second perimeter scoring option to help Derrick Rose shoulder the scoring load.  Rose has improved every single year, and last year he grew by leaps and bounds.  However, we've seen time and time again in the history of the NBA, that one person cannot get it done by themselves, and many times that what the Bulls relied on Rose to do.  The problem with bringing in a permeter scorer is that there really aren't any great players out there in free agency.  Ray Allen is a catch and shoot guy at this stage of his career, and the same goes for Rip Hamilton.  Those are both aging players at the end of their careers, which really isn't what the Bulls should be looking for.  The Bulls are one of a few teams in the league that have arrows pointing up for the next ten years (Thunder, Heat also are built for long-term success).  Another problem with those players is that they can't really create their own shots.  They rely on crisp offensive movement, and cutting off screens, which is necessary, but leaves players worn down. 

Shannon Brown is an interesting player that I am sure the Bulls will consider in free agency.  He is from Chicago, so I am sure he would love to be able to play on a nightly basis for the team he grew up cheering for.  He is also super athletic, and only 25 years old.  He has ok size for a 2 guard (6'4"), and is a more than capable defender.  He has a good three point shot, although he is not known for his outside shooting ability, which is what the Bulls need.  He is a tremendous athlete, and playing with Rose would make for some awesome alley oop and fast break dunks.  However, he has been a bench player his entire career, so signing him to start and play starter's minutes might be a little risky.

Kirk Hinrich is another name I've heard mentioned as possibly going back to the Bulls.  He would definitely fit in with the defensive minded Tom Thibodeau's system.  He can also hit catch and shoot jumpers, and has better than average three-point capabilities.  He was a huge fan favorite when he played with the Bulls before, and he is a durable guy, with veteran leadership.  He also knows how to play with Derrick Rose, and would be somebody who could defend other proven perimeter scorers, like Wade and Carmello Anthony. 

Some analysts have said that JR Smith from Denver should be considered, but I think that would be a huge mistake.  Smith was once a part of the Bulls, and before he even played a game with them they traded him because he was a locker room nightmare.  For a team with great chemistry, that would not be ideal. 

The Bulls could also look to upgrade their perimeter scoring in the draft.  They have 2 late first round picks (picks 28 and 30) that they could either package in a deal to acquire a better shooter, or they could use the picks on draft night to grab a scorer, such as Marshon Brooks from Providence, who was the second leading scorer in the country, and also put up 50 points against Notre Dame. 

The biggest and most unlikely move the Bulls might be able to pull off is acquiring a second superstar through a trade.  The name mentioned by most fans is Dwight Howard.  Now don't get me wrong, a Rose/Howard duo would be unbelievable.  They would both have career years.  Teams would be unable to guard them in the pick and roll.  Not only that, but the Bulls would have the best point guard and the best center in the game, and those positions are historically the hardest to find superstar players.  Howard is a defensive and rebounding beast, not to mention he added a great post up game to his offense last season.  It all sounds great, but it is extremely unlikely for a couple of reasons.  First of all, Howard is still under contract with the Magic, and they still believe that they can re-sign him.  Secondly, if they do trade him, it will likely be to a team out west.  Many analysts have said that Howard would like to play for the Lakers, who could offer up Andrew Bynum in a deal.  For the Bulls to get him, it would likely take a great combination of starting talent and draft picks, which as of right now, they have.  They have 3 picks in this year's draft, 2 in the first round, and they also have a lottery protected pick from the Charlotte Bobcats in next year's draft.  Players that would most likely need to be included in the deal would include the Bulls' big guys.  Noah, Boozer, Gibson and Asik would be considered, and Orlando would likely have to take on Boozer in order to make the salaries work.  Would the Magic want to take a combination of draft picks and big guys that includes Boozer, and trade the best big man in the league to a conference rival? Probably not.

Obviously the Bulls have to get a player who can put up points, and be the second scoring option that Rose needs.  They thought they had it in Boozer, but his first year was up and down, and his playoff performance left alot to be desired.  They do have a very young team, and they need to make sure the core of the team stays together.  I would like to see the Bulls hang onto the following players: Rose (obviously, they'll lock him up long term very soon), Deng, Noah, Gibson, Brewer, Korver, Watson, and Asik.  I still think Boozer is a decent player, but he is not worth the money they paid for him.  I doubt anybody will take on his contract, and he'll most likely be a Bull next season, but if they can package him with another player or picks to bring in a superstar, or a second perimeter scoring option, they should do it.  I also think the Bulls will move forward without Keith Bogans.  He is a great defender, and he showed that in the Heat series by locking down Dwyane Wade.  Wade had a hard time getting anything going in those 5 games, and he was frustrated by it.  However, the Bulls need to get scoring from their starting 2 guard, and he doesn't have the ability to put up big points game in and game out.  I also think that Kurt Thomas and Rasual Butler are likely to move elsewhere, so the Bulls will have some moves to make.  It'll be an interesting off-season to say the least.  Hopefully the Bulls will take their time and make the right moves to put them in position to not only compete with the Heat, but to put them over the top, and into the NBA Finals.