Thursday, August 12, 2010

Welcome to my Chicago Sports Blog!

Hello everybody.  My name is Kevin, and I am a rabid Chicago sports fan.  I follow all of the teams with great interest, including the White Sox, who I am not even a fan of (I am a Cubs fan, eventhough I know they are pathetic).  This is my first blog, and I am very excited to share some of my opinions about Chicago sports with you, and hear some of your opinions as well. 

I thought I would begin by just sharing how I feel this is a very exciting time to be a Chicago sports fan.  The Chicago Blackhawks just won their first Stanley Cup in 49 years, and although they have seemingly gutted the team of their role players, their core remains completely intact.  With the players they have added through trades and call ups from their AHL affiliate (Rockford Icehogs), the Hawks seem poised to have a strong season in defense of their Stanley Cup Championship.

The Chicago Bulls had arguably the best off season in the NBA besides the Miami Heat (a very distant second place, but still.). Derrick Rose looks like the real deal, Joakim Noah should have a breakout season, and adding Carlos Boozer, a 20 point/10 rebound power forward as a true low post scoring presence can only help this team.  Add to that a long distance shooting threat in Kyle Korver, a slashing, defensive guard in Ronnie Brewer, a healthy Luol Deng (who hasn't reached his potential, but still averages 17pts/7rebs), C.J. Watson, and possibly Rudy Fernandez (trade rumor), the Bulls should be an exciting team that could challenge the top teams in the Eastern Conference this season.

The Chicago White Sox (I don't like them, but do respect them), have been on fire since May.  I think their pitching staff (Buerhle, Danks, Garcia, Floyd, Jackson) is top notch, and they would be better had Peavy not been lost for the season (although he struggled for the most part before the injury).  Carlos Quentin looks like he's found himself again, and Paul Konerko is playing some of the best baseball of his career, and he has had an excellent career on the south side.  While I do not (and will not) cheer for the White Sox, I have to respect how they've battled back from a tough start.  Major League Baseball is always better when Chicago is involved in a pennant race, even if it is the White Sox.

The Chicago Cubs, on the other hand, have been unwatchable for the better part of the season.  It kills me that they could win 3 out of 4 from the Phillies (should have swept) right after the all star break, take 2 out of 3 from the Cardinals (could have swept), and in between those series lose 4 out of 6 to the Astros.  Zambrano's dominant days are long gone, Randy Wells has had a sophomore slump, Ryan Dempster became his normal self again, and we've already traded arguably our best starting pitcher, Ted Lilly, along with a fan favorite, Ryan Theriot, to the Dodgers.  That being said, even though the Cubs are a long way from the playoff race, there have been some bright spots.  Carlos Silva was a steal for Milton Bradley (thank you Seattle Mariners), Marlon Byrd is the type of role player that you need to have on a winning team (kind of like Mark DeRosa, hustles, plays great defense, runs out every ground ball and pop up, and hits no matter where you put him in the line up), and Starlin Castro and Tyler Colvin are great pieces to build on for the future.  This season has sucked, but during these seasons the best thing to do is look on the bright side.

Last, but certainly not least, the Chicago Bears.  Many people would disagree with me on this, but I think the Bears could have a great season.  Brian Urlacher is back healthy, Tommie Harris is back healthy, and the addition of Julius Peppers could return this defense to their 2005/2006 form (as long as the secondary can be at least average).  The offensive line should be better (Chris Williams has a full year of football under his belt, and Roberto Garza has moved from Right Guard to Left Guard, opening the other guard spot for Lance Louis, who has looked good so far in training camp).  Matt Forte got some much needed help in the backfield with the signing of Chester Taylor.  Brandon Manumaleuna was a great pick up at the third tight end (he can block in the backfield, on the line, and he can catch the ball.  Plus he has played in Martz's system before).  The wide receivers should be improved.  Hester and Knox could have breakout seasons, and the emergence of Devin Aromashodu would make this offense dynamic.  As long as Cutler cuts down on his 26 interceptions from a year ago, I can see the Bears winning 10-11 games, and possibly making the playoffs as a wildcard team.

I don't know about everybody else, but I am excited about what is happening in Chicago sports.  You might disagree with me on some of the points I made about each team, and that's cool.  I always love a good sports debate, so if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to chime in.  Thanks for reading.


  1. I agree with every thing you've said on here. This was a great idea!!!

  2. The Cubs game was a classic example of how bad this season really is. Two nights ago They beat lincecum arguably one of the best pitchers in baseball. Then they come out against Zito flat, make a comeback and blow it in the end. Can't wait for this circus to end in September.

  3. Adam, there are lots of reasons that this Cubs season has been awful. For a while it was the lack of hitting. I think their bullpen (aside from Marmol and Marshall) has been atrocious. They have alot to work on, and they should get a good look at some minor leaguers in September.
